
A roleplaying game based in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Universe.

This site contains adult concepts.


Public information


Scripts for episodes that have already aired. (latest episode)

A quick overview of the series.
Some of the cast with information to help the series writers.
Watchers Library
An online library of demons and other eeeeeevil.
An interview with the cast.

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Running and dogs.

Written by: Kate Brown and Cameron Blackwood.
Story by: Rachel Holkner (Jayde), Kate Brown (Gemma),
Richard Jones (Jonnathan), Ken Blakey (Mary),
and Cameron Blackwood
Additional cast: David, Leda, Casey, Alex, Conrad,
Roll credits

Air Date: ?/1/2002

Monday, 9:30am, north UCB.

Call Arden but get no answer. Leave a message.

Quick flash of a burnt room etc. Trashed. Papers. Rags. Looking down at it from above.

"We're screwed, but atleast we have money."

Heading off to get supplies and weapons. Crossbow, bolts, arrows for faiths bow, torches, rope, packs, medical stuff. Jayde gets some boots. And a pistol crossbow. Michael orders some boxes of ammo.

Image of a big, wet, growling, snarling doggie.

Pay for stuff. As Jayde is leaving she hears her name called out.

The voice and images happen more and more often and eventually Jayde works out that its Arden. He needs help at Burbank st.

Head over.

Monday, 10:30am, Burbank st, somewhere in UCB.

Head into the back of the house. Looks like a house. Bedroom has been ransacked.

Takes a few goes to kick the door in. Faith isnt impressed.

Go inside. Hear doggie footsteps. Weapon up. Open door and there is a demon dog. It snarles and tries to leap inside. Jayde tries to block the door, but gives up and steps back and shoots.

Jayde and Faiths bolts hit the animal in the leg and it staggers down. Michael slashes at it for a bit and Jayde puts a bolt between its eyes.

Arden is on the roof. He explains that Lucy was dragged off by the dogs. Search around and the house has been searched. The doggies also opened the doors and left someone to guard etc.

Back to the house to get the stuff to do the locate spell and then split.

Monday, 11:00am, Head off to a cemetry.

Head off to crypt.

Find a kids body near the crypt. Stake him just to be sure.

Checks out Lucy. Joy. Sewers. Senses nest? More of them doggies.

Checks out Wolfgang, but get Jack.

Stash some extra weapons etc in the crypt. Knife, axe, and bow/gun up Jayde and Faith. Michael takes a gun. Arden takes a knife but intends to do magic.

Plan is, burst in and shoot.

Dog comes out sniffing so michael shoots it. So much for planning. Burst in and start shooting. Kill some dogs. Vamp attacks Jayde. Jayde weakly pushes it off. Michael shoots in the neck. Jayde throws it off and then finishes it with the axe.

Find coma Lucy and vamp bag with phone and magic blood jar.

Head off to the car with Lucy. Find a motel.

Arden chats with Lucy. She needs a replacement body. Apparently her order have 'hosts'. Arden didnt get much more.

Knock at the door. Gemma is there.

roll credits

Email: korg at

Lawyers take note: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer and Angel and all characters related belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and fox.