
A roleplaying game based in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Universe.

This site contains adult concepts.


Public information


Scripts for episodes that have already aired. (latest episode)

A quick overview of the series.
Some of the cast with information to help the series writers.
Watchers Library
An online library of demons and other eeeeeevil.
An interview with the cast.

Restricted stuff

[GM info] (secret!)

Mailing list

Mailing list List archive

Jayde Gemini Garner

A common history of the Garner family should be scanned first. This should set the feel for the characters.


Life is great! And why wouldn't it be? Jayde has almost everything she could wish for. She comes from a rich and powerful family, she is popular, beautiful, fit, smart and good at whatever she chooses to do.

As far as Jayde can tell everything in life breaks down into needing money, smarts, contacts or yourself to fix. She has money (or her father has it), she is smart (not as smart as Gemma, but then Jayde has a life), contacts (Jayde knows everyone who is worth knowing) and that leaves only the the things you have to fix yourself. They aren't a problem because Jay is smart, strong, quick and beautiful so what more do you need?

Jayde and Gemma

Gemma can get a little mopey sometimes because I'm so popular or whatever, but really thats just because Gem doesn't want to get involved. Gem, with her brains, and I, could have ruled the high school like Gods, but Gem just wasn't interested. Her choice. She cant really complain that high school was hard if she refused her chance to make it easy for herself.

Gemma sometimes quips that I doesn't have the focus to see anything through to the end, but really thats just because Gemma gets so fixed on solving problems herself, with her own way with her own brain. Take for example the time I got busted at a party the police raided. I could have gone the whole deal with it straight up path dealing with the whole embarrassing police thing, or, she could do what I ended up doing, which was paying $250 to that socially disadvantaged 'Glitch' nerd and getting my name dropped from the reports. 'Glitch' comes from, like, this poor family, so its like charity too. Helps me and it helps him too. Gemma really just likes making things hard for herself so she can get a more satisfied feeling when she solves the problem.

Jayde and Daddy

Gem has been unwell a lot, so it sort of makes sense that Daddy always lets her have what she wants, but its annoying that he always sides with her whenever we have a disagreement. Still, its not like we fight often, but its just so patronizing.

Take for example, the move to SF, we had networked with all the people at our LA school and it was like a travesty that left us socially disadvantaged to have to move and renetwork so late in our late teens. But Daddy just put his foot down and said, like, "LA isn't healthy for Gemma". Well, duh! Like that wasn't obvious since the specialist diagnosed asthma.


These numbers are just an indication of traits. Consider this the Alpha version.
Stats: Str: 8 Dex: 10 Will: 6 Int: 9 Per: 7
Physical Skills: gymnastics: 9, cheerleading: 8, dance: 7, swimming: 7, running: 6, drive: 5, brawl: 3,
Social Skills: charisma: 8, seduction: 6, ettiquite: 6, disguise: 5, disguise(as Gemma): 10, singing: 4,
Mental Skills: french?: 9, fashion: 8, artistic design: 6, chemistry?: 6 computer: 3, german?: 3 history?: 2

Email: korg at

Lawyers take note: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer and Angel and all characters related belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and fox.