
A roleplaying game based in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Universe.

This site contains adult concepts.


Public information


Scripts for episodes that have already aired. (latest episode)

A quick overview of the series.
Some of the cast with information to help the series writers.
Watchers Library
An online library of demons and other eeeeeevil.
An interview with the cast.

Restricted stuff

[GM info] (secret!)

Mailing list

Mailing list List archive

Background: Mary Ulman

Mary is fascinated by everything. When she was young, she became fascinated by wildlife (including spiders and insects and other icky stuff :) and she started to discover all she could about animals etc. Her mother was over protective, but that suited Mary as she discovered books and libraries and thus she didn't need to go out and experience things first hand (although she still did as often as possible). Her explorations about nature expanded to the world at large as well and continued expanding until they encompassed everything. Since then, she has easily soaked up all the information the school could provide and is a feature in the library.

Mary was actually offered early entry to UCB, but her mother wanted her to stay with her social group, even though Mary wasn't really very social. When she found out, Mary was angry, she wanted to get into the Uni course ASAP!.

Mary doesn't get hassled much by other students as she has helped almost everyone with homework and assignments in her time at school. Even bullies know a good thing when they find it.

Mary is usually in the library, on the lawns reading, or keeping Casey out of trouble. School gossip said that Casey and Mary used to be an item and that the two of them are firm friends now.


These numbers are just an indication of traits. Consider this the Alpha version.
Stats: Str: 6 Dex: 6 Will: 9 Int: 13 Per: 6
Physical Skills: drive: 9, evasion: 6, stealth: 4, brawl: 1,
Social Skills: charisma: 7, intimidation: 0,
Mental Skills: biology: 9, computer: 8, French: 8, research: 8, history: 8, math: 7, geography: 7, chess: 6, chemistry: 5, Latin: 5, physics: 5, geology: 3,

Email: korg at

Lawyers take note: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer and Angel and all characters related belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and fox.