
A roleplaying game based in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Universe.

This site contains adult concepts.


Public information


Scripts for episodes that have already aired. (latest episode)

A quick overview of the series.
Some of the cast with information to help the series writers.
Watchers Library
An online library of demons and other eeeeeevil.
An interview with the cast.

Restricted stuff

[GM info] (secret!)

Mailing list

Mailing list List archive

Rich's idea

had a character idea: rich kid, kinda lacking social skills (how old are these kids?) so is a bit introverted. had fun toys though - like one of those tiny video cameras. goes out with it to places other kids hang out and vids stuff. maybe vid'ed some slayer action once. then got very nervous around slayer(s) 'cos the stuff on the vid didn't quite look right. perhaps this is seen as a sign of dodginess on part of slayer(s) whereupon a confrontation is had. [ok, it's a bit thin, but does it suck as an idea? I only just thought of it and - as you can tell - haven't really expanded the idea yet :)]

Ok. So, 'bout 18, just started university at UCB. Had a little video camera. Took some snaps of various people. Snapped a vamp feeding? Ie normal one min, vamp face and bite the next and then back to normal, but caught on film. Who do you show that to? What do you do about it?

See trouble is that I want to start the game with them 'pre slayer', so there wouldnt be any slayer action yet.

Well that could work, but it wouldn't give you a link to the twins. Hmm. Possibilities that i can think of for that are:

oh yeah - so Jonathan is quiet ... video geek. Glasses (well, contacts mostly), really spotty, pudgy, short. Something about his parents being totally brainless a-la Veronica's parents in Heathers. Picture Veronica but male and not attractive and not in the "in" crowd at high school. Kinda arty but not so smart. Highly perceptive (you as GM will obviously need to help me out on this one :) Is planning on doing psych and video subjects at college.


These numbers are just an indication of traits. Consider this the Alpha version.
Stats: Str: 7 Dex: 8 Will: 7 Int: 8 Per: 11
Physical Skills: drive: 4,
Social Skills:
Mental Skills: latin: 3,

Email: korg at

Lawyers take note: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer and Angel and all characters related belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and fox.