
A roleplaying game based in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Universe.

This site contains adult concepts.


Public information


Scripts for episodes that have already aired. (latest episode)

A quick overview of the series.
Some of the cast with information to help the series writers.
Watchers Library
An online library of demons and other eeeeeevil.
An interview with the cast.

Restricted stuff

[GM info] (secret!)

Mailing list

Mailing list List archive

Casey William

Casey's grandfather died in a car crash when he was in 8th grade and that lead Casey to the conclusion that life is too short. Since then, Casey has been living life to the fullest.

Casey is always either in trouble or causing it. He is somewhat of a class clown, except he doesn't seem to play for laughs, but rather his own entertainment. He is seen as a handful and trouble maker by the teachers and some of the students and his fun is often disruptive. Casey is often picked on by the bully section of the school because he annoys so many teachers, that often they will turn somewhat of a blind eye when he gets picked on. Casey doesn't seem to hold anything against anyone and is friendly and welcoming to everyone, even if they were a bastard last week.

While Casey is firmly in the geek enclave at the school, he has an active, almost frenetic dating life. His friendly, happy and fun nature make him reasonably popular as a date and he always going out.


These numbers are just an indication of traits. Consider this the Alpha version.
Stats: Str: 7 Dex: 10 Will: 6 Int: 11 Per: 8
Physical Skills: drive: 6, stealth: 2, brawl: 1,
Social Skills: charisma: 10, seduction: 7, clown: 4,
Mental Skills: computer: 9, physics: 9, chess: 8, research: 7, street wise: 2, history: 1

Email: korg at

Lawyers take note: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer and Angel and all characters related belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and fox.