
A roleplaying game based in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Universe.

This site contains adult concepts.


Public information


Scripts for episodes that have already aired. (latest episode)

A quick overview of the series.
Some of the cast with information to help the series writers.
Watchers Library
An online library of demons and other eeeeeevil.
An interview with the cast.

Restricted stuff

[GM info] (secret!)

Mailing list

Mailing list List archive

Gemma Gemini Garner

A common history of the Garner family should be scanned first. This should set the feel for the characters.


Gemma is, physically, in less than ideal condition. She suffers heavily from asthma, Migrane and various aches and pains in her joints. Doctors blame much of this on the problems that occurred at birth. This has caused her to have a significant amount of 'down time' and home schooling which in turn has contributed to her bookish nature and later academic success.

Also contributing to Gemma's mopeyness is the fact that Jayde is so successful at socially running the school. This makes social interaction so much harder for Gemma as most of her acceptance from school comes from her family link to Jayde. People who she dated mostly seemed to want to go out with Jayde, but not to be able to. That and Jayde's dictatorship of the school made the geeky group wary of Gemma too. Gem fits in to no group and no one seems to accept her for what she is (the social group looking at her as a pseudo-Jayde and the geeks seeing her as a pseudo-Jayde too. Jayde... always Jayde!!).

Gemma can sometimes get a little mopey as Jayde seems to be so physically fit and socially adapt, while she is plagued by so many health problems and a distinctly overshadowed social life. Maybe it would be OK if Gemma was much more intelligent than Jayde, but Jayde is still very smart, so being a little smarter isn't really that much of a difference. Its not that she blames Jayde exactly, but one cant help but feel a little cheated that for identical twins, one seems to get all the breaks while the other just cant seem to win.

Gem's intelligence earned her a lot of cred with the nerdy group at school and also since starting Uni. She fits in well with this group, although they are a little off put by the 'wonder clique powers' that Jayde radiates and Gemma's similarity to their archnemesis. Still, once she gets past the talking and into the work, things settle down and she fits in well.

Gemma spent quite a lot of time studying at home with the help of Stella, DMS and sometimes even her father. David was a poor teacher as he didn't have much patience. Stella was a great teacher, because she would be learning the material with Gemma and many times, Gemma would sometimes have to teach Stella some of the material (and in teaching the material, it cemented into Gemma's brain).

Gemma and DMS

The time that DMS and Gemma spent studying at home let Gemma see a side of DMS that she really hadn't imagined before. DMS was at least as smart as she was. Their time studying at home was more like a challenge as DMS and Gemma would soak up anything they were shown at faster and faster rates, trying to see which one would 'dumb down' first. It was an exciting time of competition as both of them were brilliant and seemed to feed off each other. Gemma has had a respect for DMS ever since, but he ran off soon after. DMS was angry at the difference between his friends ('that he had to leave') and the new social circle he was being 'forced' into. Jay tried to get him accepted at school using her influence, and the majority of the school were cool with that, but to DMS it felt like charity (and it mostly was) and he resisted it and made enough trouble that even Jayde couldn't help him.

Strangely, DMS was the person who came closest to accepting her for herself as he wasn't swayed by the social dictatorship at school, preferring to actively rejected it. His opinion of Jayde was that she was shallow and was wasting her life, this alone attracted Gemma to DMS. His aggressive intelligence challenged Gemma and made her feel alive.

Before DMS ran away, Gemma overheard him argue her father. She didn't catch all of it, but the argument was obviously about money. DMS accused David of being the "enemy". David loudly told DMS that "anyone in my position is your enemy", and "money is power made physical". He asked DMS if he had read Machiavelli and DMS said yes. David then offered DMS scholarship through university if he stayed at school, finished and got enough marks. DMS then angrily countered with something about "the man splitting the smart brothers away" and something about "5%". It was a few days later that DMS ran off.

When DMS left, the alive feeling faded somewhat and Gemma realized that she had somewhat of a crush on the young rebel, and that what she was looking for was someone who would accept and challenge her for who she was, not her relationship to Jayde or her father's wealth. Sadly, there have been very few people who fill that criteria, and Gem is only realizing now that the social circle that she is pulled through is the limiting factor.


These numbers are just an indication of traits. Consider this the Alpha version.
Stats: Str: 5 Dex: 7 Will: 8 Int: 11 Per: 9
Physical Skills: drive: 4, gymnastics: 3, brawl: 1,
Social Skills: charisma: 4, disguise: 3, disguise(as jayde): 10, seduction: 2,
Mental Skills: research: 8, german?: 8, maths?: 7, biology?: 6 computer: 6, chemistry?: 6 french?: 5, law: 4, chess: 4, fashion: 4, latin: 3,

Email: korg at

Lawyers take note: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer and Angel and all characters related belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and fox.