
A roleplaying game based in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Universe.

This site contains adult concepts.


Public information


Scripts for episodes that have already aired. (latest episode)

A quick overview of the series.
Some of the cast with information to help the series writers.
Watchers Library
An online library of demons and other eeeeeevil.
An interview with the cast.

Restricted stuff

[GM info] (secret!)

Mailing list

Mailing list List archive

Jayde talks to alex

Written by: Kate Brown and Cameron Blackwood.
Story by: Rachel Holkner (Jayde), Kate Brown (Gemma),
Richard Jones (Jonnathan), Ken Blakey (Mary),
and Cameron Blackwood
Additional cast: David, Leda, Casey, Alex, Conrad,
Roll credits

Air Date: ?/1/2002

Sat'day 9:44am, UCB offices.

Jayde takes Alex to teh side and chats.

Jayde isnt convinced. Alex thinks it would be a good idea.

Jayde counters that the golden dawn are all mysterious and ooky. The mention of a sample upset Jayde as she thinks about Virginia.

J explains to Alex what happened with Virginia and the anti slayer juice. Alex wants to act against Virginia, but J says no because she wants to keep her lack of powers secret.

Apparently Virginia help set up the council HQ here so she would have physical access to a lot of the watcher stuff. Doh!

Alex: "So, what about the golden dawn? If they were involved with virginia as you susect then they couldnt have the same goals as the War council because they would have 'farmed' you while you were out?"

J: "Good point. Hmm. Mysterious and oooky."

A: "So what should I do?"

Eventually decide that Alex will contact teh Golden Dawn but not offer a sample (?yeah?)

roll credits

Email: korg at

Lawyers take note: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer and Angel and all characters related belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and fox.