
A roleplaying game based in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Universe.

This site contains adult concepts.


Public information


Scripts for episodes that have already aired. (latest episode)

A quick overview of the series.
Some of the cast with information to help the series writers.
Watchers Library
An online library of demons and other eeeeeevil.
An interview with the cast.

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[GM info] (secret!)

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Written by: Kate Brown and Cameron Blackwood.
Story by: Rachel Holkner (Jayde), Kate Brown (Gemma),
Richard Jones (Jonnathan), Ken Blakey (Mary),
and Cameron Blackwood
Additional cast: David, Leda, Casey, Alex, Conrad,
Roll credits

Air Date: ?/5/2003

Friday night/sat morning

Jayde takes a taxi to the graveyards.

Jayde wakes up in a crypt. Looking around, she can see a recent sealed crypt. Outside the gate is a woman she hasnt seen before.

"So, you're awake at last then?"

"poop!" Jayde notices that there is no wood in the crpyt.

The woman intrduces herself as Virginia. She rants for a bit about how Jayde isnt a good slayer and how mary is an excellent slayer. She also says that Jayde needs to be tested! She doubts that Jayde will survive and that will mean the world has a real slayer again.

She says that it is time that Jayde underwent the Crucumentum. The vamp in the crypt starts to scratch to get out and Virginia throws Jayde a stake and the key to the handcuffs. "Good luck."

The vamp rises and there is muchly backpeddling. Eventually, with some fancy footwork, Jayde gets up on a crypt and stakes the vamp.

Score one team J!!

Virginia seems surprised. "So, that was part one. Come with me."

"No way!" Jayde snorts.

"You want to save Michael, you come with me."

Jayde crosses her arms.

"Your call" Virginia walks off.

Jayde manages to find out a way down into the sewer. She runs off to try and find Michael. Eventually she finds Virginia and follows her to find Michael handcuffed to a grave.

Jayde comes forward and faces Virginia's second challange which is the newbie vamp rising from the grave. Jayde drags michael away from the grave and turns to the face the vamp.

Some fancy footwork and, again, the vamp is staked.

Virginia seems really really annoyed. "One more to go."

"No way!"

Virginia turns the crossbow to Jayde and Jayde 'sheesh'es.

Jayde lays down and pretends to be dead.

Soon another vamp arrives. Initially, it heads over to Virginia who points the crossbow at it. "Over there, take her." The vamp heads over to the laying still Jayde. Virginia shouts out "Watch out! She's got a stake."

Jayde mutters and jumps to her feet to take on the vamp. The vamp backs back and Jayde is forced to move forward and leap up onto a grave headstone and leap down, pinning the vamp and after some struggling, Jayde stakes the vamp.

Virginia angrily moves forward and pulls a knife. "If you're so good, then stake me." Virginia throws a knife to Jayde.

Jayde smuggly says, "Im not going to fight you. You're a human."

"Im going to stake you!" Virginia slashes forwward and Jayde leaps back.


Virginia looks puzzled for a moment and then backs away. "Well, it looks like Ill see you in the next day or two." Virginia backs away.

Jayde shakes her head. "Great."

Jayde patches Micahel's wound and settles down to wait until dawn.

During the night they chat a little about the future, slayers etc.

roll credits

Email: korg at

Lawyers take note: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer and Angel and all characters related belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and fox.